Mantas Ezcaray

Ezcaray is our soul, it is where everything happens - Familie Valgañón
Mantas Ezcaray – Handgefertigte Decken & Accessoires mit Tradition und Seele
Der Herbst steht vor der Tür und die Tage werden kühler – genau der richtige Zeitpunkt, um euch Mantas Ezcaray näher vorzustellen: Eines unserer liebsten Label im Sortiment und bekannt für außergewöhnliche Decken und Accessoires mit höchstem Qualitätsanspruch. Taucht ein in die spanische Handwerkskunst und lernt die sympathische Firma hier besser kennen. Am Ende gibt’s einen Schal zu gewinnen! Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
Warum Mantas Ezcaray?
Wenn ihr auf der Suche nach besonderen, farbenfrohen und absolut hochwertigen Textilien seid, die zudem nachhaltig produziert werden, dann werdet ihr diese Marke lieben. Jedes Stück von Mantas Ezcaray vereint jahrhundertealte Handwerkskunst mit modernem Design – perfekt für euer anspruchsvolles Zuhause.
Eine Geschichte von Tradition und Handwerkskunst
1930 gegründet in dem kleinen Dorf Ezcaray in der Region La Rioja, bleibt das Unternehmen auch nach fast einem Jahrhundert seinem Ursprung treu. Hier, in einem beschaulichen 2000-Seelen-Ort, wird noch immer jedes Produkt von Hand gefertigt. Die Kinder des Gründers Cecilio Valgañón haben das Unternehmen mit Liebe und Hingabe weitergeführt.
Exklusive Materialien, ethisch gewonnen
Was Mantas Ezcaray wirklich besonders macht, ist die Auswahl ihrer Materialien. Für die Decken und Schals werden nur die edelsten Fasern verwendet: weicher, südafrikanischer Mohair, edles Alpaka, mongolischer Kaschmir und australische Merinowolle. - Dabei legt die Familie großen Wert auf das Wohlergehen der Tiere und arbeitet nur mit ethisch verantwortungsvollen Lieferanten zusammen. Das Ergebnis sind Decken und Schals, die nicht nur unglaublich weich sind, sondern auch nachhaltig und langlebig.
Falls ihr ein kleines Video zur liebevollen und hochqualitativen Arbeit der Familie sehen wollte klickt hier.
Einblick in die Manufaktur
Wir durften der Familie einige Fragen stellen, um Sie und den Herstellungsprozess noch besser zu verstehen. Ignacio Valgañón, der für Marketing & Kommunikation zuständig ist, hat sich die Zeit genommen auf diese im Namen Aller zu antworten, vielen Dank!
What inspires you when choosing your unique color combinations? Are there specific trends, places, or art that influence you?
Our best inspiration is Ezcaray, the town where we are located. We are in a fantastic village surrounded by the mountains, so most of our collections are based on what we see everyday, the sky, the mountains, the river, the snow, the trees... So basically Ezcaray is our main inspiration.
How do creative ideas flow into your design process? Do you work closely with a designer, or is it a team effort?
Everything related with Mantas Ezcaray means a team effort, we don't really have a designer, so all this work comes from one member of the team.
We get the ideas everytime we travel, we follow the latest trends and patterns to make sure that our ideas are in consonance with the fashion trends.
How has your style evolved over the years? Has color always been a central element of your collections?
Yes, color is one of the most important parts of our company since the beginning.
When our grandfather began with the business, there was a civil war in Spain, and everything was sad and dark.
At that moment Cecilio Valgañón decided that it was a great idea to make bright colors to put happiness in all those difficult moments, so some people thought that he was really mad and other people thought that he was a genius :) so he was always one step ahead of everyone.
How does the experience of the older generation influence your work today? Which traditions do you maintain, and where do you see room for innovation?
We are now in the third generation, so there is a big pressure to maintain and grow all the legacy that we have received.
We try our best everyday to keep improving in all the areas of the company, taking into consideration our values and mission.
We are a familiar company that has an artisanal manufacturing process, and we keep working in that way, always trying to improve, but with a big respect to our essence.
How does the creative process work within your family? How do you manage to combine different ideas and perspectives?
We are a traditional company, but that does not mean that we are not fashionable, and for that reason we create new collections every year creating trends.
How important is your connection to your hometown Ezcaray?
Ezcaray is our soul, it is where everything happens.
It is our land and where all the environment and landscape that surrounds us is so important for our production process.
We have water with the ideal characteristics to achieve all the properties that our mohair has.
If we were a company that wants to achieve quick results and make everything easier, we would be looking to move to an industrial park in a big city, but our great challenge is to continue growing in our village with all the complications that this entails.
What was it like growing up in such a traditional family business? Was it a conscious decision to join the business?
We have grown in a family where we have seen our fathers and aunts work and it's a big challenge to continue with the heritage.
We have created a good team to maintain the business for a long time until the new generation comes.
Is there a particular piece from your collections that is especially close to your heart? And why?
We created a collection called Views that was a tribute to our grandfather, a blanket with the views he had everyday from his office. This is the most emotive collection for us.
If you had to choose one product from your collection, which one would it be and why?
We have a wide variety of collections and materials, so if i had to choose one, i would say some collection with mohair hair.
We work with high quality Merino Wool and Cashmere, but Mohair is our top product, it's where we have all our expertise. When people hear Mantas Ezcaray, they think in Mohair. Matisse and Serenity are collections with really nice designs and a lot of colors, so I would say that these two collections are my favorite.
What background music is playing in the office?
Our office is a quiet place, so we don´t work with music.Everyone is foccus on it´s work, so some of us use headphones to listen to some music, but not in the background :)
Hier einige Eindrücke der farbenfrohen Decken aus dem Herzen eines Familienunternehmens: